Nina Mathies: Let’s celebrate science!

Especially in times of multiple crises, the essential value of free teaching and science becomes apparent. It observes, analyses, classifies and also proposes solutions to the problems of our society.

It is therefore the responsibility of all of us to defend the freedom of science and academia on a daily basis and to place it on an even broader foundation. Networking between all players in the science sector is also of great importance here – from students to university employees, professors, teachers and decision-makers in politics. The Science Ball plays an important role here.

Let’s celebrate science together and celebrate the achievements we have already made, but let’s also commit ourselves to the tasks we have to master in the challenging years ahead!

Nina Mathies comes from Altach in Vorarlberg, where she was the local school representative in 2018/19 before starting her studies in environmental engineering at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in 2019. In 2022, Mathies was elected co-chair of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) as the VSStÖ’s lead candidate, currently in a team with Sarah Rossmann (GRAS) and Simon Neuhold (KSV-LiLi).

Photo: Lukas Bickel